When you support LBA,
you invest in the future.

As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on the support of concerned community members and local businesses. Interested in any of the opportunities below, or have ideas about how we can work together? We want to hear from you — please contact us.


  • We work personally with our annual sponsors to build a package that meets the needs of the business and maximizes community impact. Contact us to learn more.

  • Part of our offering to our students is seminars on various topics related to leadership, life skills, and other topics. We’d love to partner with you to develop a program or series of programs we can offer our students to enhance their learning.

  • Internships and job shadow opportunities provide our students a hands-on chance to learn about opportunities for their future. In return, companies gain access to a new pipeline for future talent.

  • Through LBA Engage or a one-time seminar, we can help your organization become more inclusive. Visit our page on Partnerships and Community resources to learn more.


  • We rely on caring community members turned vision coaches to mentor our students in their journey to grow and thrive.

  • More funds means we can help more students reach their goals. By clicking DONATE you can make a reoccurring contribution towards any of our programs.

  • Becoming an LBA mentor or program volunteer is an excellent way for those interested in a career in education to gain practical experience.