CR Dreams is designed to help youths evaluate and elevate their skills, with the goal of assisting in the development of future leaders, tradesmen, entrepreneurs, and above all, service-minded citizens. CR Dreams is a comprehensive SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curriculum based upon extensive research showing how these critical skills developments are directly correlated to future success. As part of this program, youths are asked to create the following:

  • Statement of Purpose (SoP)

  • “Flight Plan” with goals and check-ins related to the SoP

  • Vision board to help visualize the future

  • MyCloud, a vision of their network of support and who may need to be added

CR Dreams consists of both in-classroom time and structured and supervised after-school programming to provide safe spaces for learning, physical activity, and connection with community members and Vision Coaches (mentors). Special learning opportunities include programs on dance, health and wellness, personal financial literacy, and professional skills developments.

CEdar Rapids outreach program (crop)

Developed in coordination with City of Cedar Rapids leadership and concerned community citizens, CROP is designed to help impact the frayed relationship between our at-risk youth and local law enforcement as well as build connections within the entire community-a methodology the CDC has shown to directly improve life outcomes for youth as well as decreasing gun violence. CROP seeks to help build personal connections between the youth and community members, municipal leaders, and law enforcement.

The program also includes programs with the CR Parks and Recreation Department to spur a greater sense of engagement with the community within our youth. A comprehensive program with a variety of components to build multiple connections between our youth and their community, the CROP includes the following:

  •  Police-Youth Activities Programs

  •  CR Parks and Recreation Dept. Co-Sponsored Events

  •  Community Outreach Events. Community Resource Road Shows

  •  Business Outreach Programs/ Job Shadows/ Internships

  •  Community Philanthropy Events

  •  Civic Engagements


Our investments in partnerships and technology demonstrates our commitment to providing the resources youth need to reach their goals. In tandem, we prepare adults in the community to be the best mentors and supporters to our youth. Examples of some our partnerships include:

Mathematical Association of America Pilot Program

This national pilot program is designed to introduce competition math to youth from underrepresented communities through innovative instruction and engagement practices. Youth earn self-confidence through challenging themselves in a new area of learning.

ACT Test Prep Program

Test prep is a critical resource that is not frequently accessible to low-income families. LBA fills the gap by providing free ACT prep through a 120-day program with one-on-one mentoring and large group instruction focused on educating students on how to test. Laying out a learning plan tailored to the aptitudes of each student, we have seen an average increase of 4 points for students who complete our program.

LBA’s YouScience Partnership 

YouScience is an interactive assessment that helps individuals understand how their brain works and what personality traits they possess that align with various career options. Test takers receive a comprehensive report showing what their best skills and traits are and then showing hundreds of careers that might be a good fit for them. With this partnership, LBA offers kids this test free-of-charge.

Udemy Partnership

We partner with Udemy to provide access to a curated catalog of over 700 classes for our youth and their families.  These classes aid with discovery, skills building, and job readiness.


Community Resources